Buy a ticket on the way to the train station or quickly plan the trip in the office - easily possible with the naldo app!
Departure Arrival:
Display the next departures or arrivals at one of the 3,200 stops in naldo, an address or your location. The easy-to-use, interactive map is helpful. In some cases, we can already map real-time data.
Travel information:
Find out quickly how to get from A to B. You can adapt the connection to your needs by changing the walking speed, alternative stops or the desired means of transport and thus receive travel information tailored to you.
Buy and access tickets:
Buy single tickets, day tickets or connecting tickets conveniently by credit card or direct debit. You can also purchase day tickets with up to 31 days postponed - for optimal preparation for your trip. You can purchase network tickets and connecting tickets directly, for all other tickets you calculate a connection beforehand. You can also save frequently used tickets as favorites.
My information and goals:
Create personalized destinations and receive travel information for them - perfect for frequent journeys such as commuting.
If there are any disruptions in the bus area on your way, you can find out more quickly.
Network plans:
For a complete overview of the naldo network, you can download network plans and familiarize yourself with the honeycomb structure or the lines.
We are constantly working on further developing and improving the naldo app. Let yourself be surprised!